I support you in securing, administering and distributing the estate to the extent we have agreed upon. This includes, for example, the implementation of an existing will, the fulfilment of tax obligations, the settlement of liabilities and the realisation of assets that are not required.
After our consultation, I will first get as precise an overview of the estate as possible, including the digital one:
What assets are there, and where are they located?
What liabilities, contracts and memberships exist – and what are the notification deadlines (e.g. concerning existing insurance) or notice periods (e.g. with regard to a rented apartment)?
What contractual relationships do the deceased leave behind as an internet user?
In the case of a community of heirs, the estate is usually divided among them – the German Civil Code refers to "distribtuion of an estate ". I will draw up a settlement plan to address this, which I will coordinate with you as the heir.